Contract Drafting and Review

A city’s ordinances are local laws; they carry the force and effect of a state statute, except when in direct conflict.  Thus, an ordinance needs to be clear and concise, well written, and designed, and worded to achieve the specific goals and intent of the council.


The firm’s attorneys draft, prepare, and review ordinances and resolutions on a daily basis. We do this with great attention to detail to ensure that the ordinance or resolution is in proper form, meets substantive legal requirements, and fits within an adopted code or system of ordinances.  Our internal database contains thousands of ordinances and resolutions.  


We know when an ordinance, as opposed to a resolution, is needed when an ordinance should and should not amend an existing code, and whether an ordinance is even necessary. More importantly, we draft language that meets our clients’ objectives while remaining within the bounds of state and federal constitutional, statutory, and case law.  Our firm maintains an extensive database of municipal codes, ordinances, and resolutions, many of which have been tested and successfully challenged in both state and federal court.


Fulfilling the Responsibilities of Local Governments to the Community

Let us help you! Call Now: 214-965-9900