Planning and Zoning
Subdivision Development and Regulation

Planning and zoning, and subdivision development, are a mainstay of the firm’s business.  Our attorneys draft, prepare and review zoning ordinances on a regular basis. We do this with great attention to detail to ensure that the enactment is in proper form, meets substantive legal requirements, and fits within an adopted code or system of ordinances. More importantly, we draft language that meets the city’s objectives while remaining within the bounds of state and federal constitutional, statutory, and case law. 


The firm’s attorneys regularly attend planning and zoning commission and boards of adjustment meetings.  Some cities have standing orders that require the firm’s attorneys to attend all planning commission and board meetings.  Attorneys also serve as lecturers at conferences and seminars sponsored by the American Planning Association, the Center for American and International Law, UT Law Continuing Legal Education, the North Central Texas Council of Governments, the Texas City Attorneys Association, the Texas Municipal League, and Lorman Education. 

Fulfilling the Responsibilities of Local Governments to the Community

Let us help you! Call Now: 214-965-9900